Updates from MakerCraft

It's been a busy month at MakerCraft!

We have hosted several retreats at the space now, and we've been using the feedback to improve. We changed out the chairs in the dining room to armless ones to create more room, added luggage racks or stools to each room for your suitcase, put chairs in each bedroom, and added more light nights throughout the space. Please visit our website to check out our updated photos!

We've also hosted several classes. Participants love the open space and the great lighting. We've added 5 (!) design walls, including a giant 7' x 28' wall.

We've renovated the third bathroom (on the second floor). We are working on finishing up renovations of the upstairs kitchen.

We continue to work on the outside of the space. We've begun painting the trim and it already looks better outside.

We have a full roster of classes. We invite you to check it out: https://makercraftstudio.com/classes/

We also have space in our upcoming retreats, or gather your friends and book your own retreat!

We are working on some exciting plans for the holidays. Be sure to stay tuned for further announcements.

Thanks for all your support!

6 South Main St, Mont Alto, PA 17237
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Read more from Hi! We are MakerCraft Studio & Retreat Center

Christmas Tree Lighting The Mont Alto Borough Christmas tree is located right next to MakerCraft. The town gathers for carols, fellowship, a visit from Santa, and lighting of the tree. MakerCraft opened its door to visitors last night and hosted an ornament make-and-take, gave tours, and served cider and pretzels. Even the Grinch stopped by! Lots of kids made ornaments, helped by Joe and Cass What we made The Grinch! The tree! Christmas Shoppe and Holiday Market MakerCraft’s Christmas Shoppe...

Call for Vendors for Next Pop-up Market MakerCraft Studio is seeking vendors for our next Pop-Up Market. If you are an artist or craftsperson who makes original art or handcrafted products, please text or call Rob at 717/253-2764 or email him at Rob@makercraftstudio.com The Pop-up Market will be held in our newly renovated building at 6 S. Main St, Mont Alto, PA, on Friday and Saturday, December 13 and 14. And be sure to mark your calendar to come do some holiday shopping from 10-6 on Friday...

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